Happy 22nd Birthday Little Brother! If I had to describe you with memories from the last 22 years I think there are three memories that would sum up our relationship:
1) The time you pushed me in Grandpa's hot tub and tried to drown me.
2) The time you ran over me (and Joe) with a jet-ski the day after we got engaged.
3) The way we stood and hugged and cried the night before we moved to New Zealand.
Ryan, you are such an example to me of determination, loyalty, compassion, and comedy! You always surprise in some way or another. You surprise me because you are so funny and so tough, but have such a deep love for other people and such a desire for justice. Part of the surprise with having you for a brother is that I never know what I will hear next about you. You have the craziest ideas and dreams, but you chase them!
Even though you have had a tough year with all of your knee surgeries, to be honest and selfish, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Though you were unable to walk for most of the month before we moved, it was awesome to be able to spend so much time with you. We loved taxi-ing you to your classes and brining things to you at your apartment. It was so great to be able to spend so much time with you.
Thank you for you love for God, our family, and others. I love you and am so proud of you. We wish we could be there to celebrate your birthday with you!