We have had a blast spending the last few days in Rochester, IL where we used to live. We were able to spend time at South Fork, the church where Joe served as the youth minister, and share with them about our time in New Zealand. We were also able to spend time with many people who have a very important place in our lives.
Here are Bob and Phyllis. These are two very special people who have taken us into their home before we had our own, and always have an open room for us when we come to visit, and always have ice tea and chocolate chips cookies and time for a chat! We were able to stay with them while in Rochester and enjoyed every moment.
Spending time with Josh (the minister from South Fork) and his wife and sweet little boy.
Joe speaking at South Fork.
Our old house!
Most of our old small group, it was great to catch up.
Now we are back in Bloomington for a few days to catch up. Joe has been fighting a bad cold and hoping to recover before we hit the road again. We will be going to a few different locations in Indiana to meet with churches, friends, and finally our team. We will try to update you when we get back!