Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ReChurch has Begun

ReChurch is officially a church! We had our first preview service on Sunday morning at the Fox & Ferret in the Palms Mall. It was a true success. We had plenty of help with setup and pack down and were so excited with the people that turned up to be a part of our first day. Hamish's sermon was a bulls-eye, the worship that Nate lead us in was brilliant, and Joe's communion thoughts and notices went over very well. 31 people turned up altogether - not bad considering we're just beginning monthly preview services as we build up to our full church launch on 21 Feb. Our launch team is beginning to grow as another family has come on board. They were a huge help to us this morning filling several guest services and techy roles. God is moving in Christchurch.
Prayer time with volunteers before the service started.

A view from the back while Nate was leading worship

Joe sitting with some friends

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we we begin our church! We feel truly amazed at how well everything went on Sunday.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Catch Phrase

It's been a couple of weeks since I have updated, but know that life is good and crazy here in Christchurch! Spring is slowly starting to show up and you can feel the excitement in the air for summer! 

We have had so much going on but it's all been great! We have felt so blessed to see the way that God has been working through us and in our relationships before we even knew it. Joe and I have a new catch phrase and we are commonly saying it about two things in particular. Our new phrase is 'this is actually happening!' We have had two dreams for a long time, and both are beginning to take place, with feelings and emotions ranging from excitement to overwhelmed to anxious to exhaustion we are excited to see both things happening. 

The first is that our church has it's first service this Sunday, 20 September. The more details we plan and the closer it gets, we are amazed that we are at this point and that 'this is actually happening!' We are both nervous and excited to see how Sunday goes. We are thankful that we have some people outside of our team who are looking for a church home and have committed to helping us out for our first service. 

The second thing that is actually happening (if you haven't heard) is that we are having a baby! We feel so blessed by this pregnancy and trust that God has it timed all perfectly. In the past two weeks we have been able to hear a strong heartbeat and see the baby. We are absolutely amazed that 'this is actually happening!' I am in my thirteenth week and am finally starting to feel like myself again after a long first trimester. 

We have so much to be thankful for! Will you please keep ReChurch in your prayers this week as we gear up for our first service? Will you also pray for us and add this new addition to our family? We will do our best to keep you up to date with both! Thanks for being a part of our journey! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


ReChurch is making an appearance this week in The Palms Mall. Our venue is located at The Palms Mall so we are doing most of our advertising there on signs in the mall, ads in the public toilets, and even in the movie theatre. Below is a sample of some of the signs that will begin appearing around The Palms. (Double click on images to make them bigger)