Sunday, March 7, 2010

Rechurch has Launched!

Needless to say, it has been a busy month leading up to the launch of Rechurch! It feels great to have launched and to be meeting weekly. Routine is slowly setting in...just in time for our baby to get here! I've officially neglected the blog and hope to keep you a little more updated in the next few months.

Launch Sunday was amazing! Thanks for all of your well wishes, prayers, emails, and support! It was a bit like a dream to have made it to that point and to see our hard work over the last few years pay off! We had a great turnout, around 80 people, and we felt like people really started to connect with the church and each other.

Some exciting points:
- The cinemas are turning out to be a fantastic venue! People enjoy coming in to such a comfortable atmosphere!

- We are seeing lots of people who are unchurched and de-churched give church a chance! This is our goal.

- Our attendance has been steadily above what we had during preview services.

Some Challenges:
- It's hard to get people to fill the seats each week. Though attendeance isn't bad, many people who are committed to coming, just aren't committed to coming weekly yet.

- We need more volunteers! We start setting up before 6am each Sunday and have a very rushed pack down in order to be out of the cinemas on time. We need more people to jump in and help.

In addition to meeting weekly, Joe preached on community this week and we will begin two different Bible Studies. One more of an introduction and exploration for faith and one is a more in depth Bible Study.

We are also trying out "Meet and Eat" to introduce and connect people in the church with each other to help facilitate community outside the church.

Below are a couple of pictures from Launch! Check back in soon to hear about our new and finished offices and to hear about when this little baby is born!