Friday, January 16, 2009


We have been in the States for almost a week now and there have been so many little things to adjust to. For one thing, it is 80, sunny and humid in Auckland! We are enjoying the winter somewhat as it is different than what we have in New Zealand, but it colder than we are used to. 

It has been great to see family and visit places that used to be so familiar to us. This is us with Joe's Grandma. 

There are so many things that we had forgotten about and other things that we can't believe we ever took for granted! We get excited over the littlest things (like the price of gas- we filled our tank for $21.00 last night! Gas prices just dropped in NZ and we were excited to fill our tank for $70.00!) We must have looked hilarious at the grocery store yesterday as well...we were wandering up and down the aisles amazed at the prices, the variety (an aisle and a half just for chips) and how big things really are here (like a gallon of milk)! Though we have know these things our entire life, we haven't been around them for so long that we had forgotten what it is really like.

We have had an interesting time with driving- often finding ourselves on the wrong side of the road or driving by the New Zealand traffic laws (which have different right aways and different signals). 

Joe did a great job preaching Sunday at one of our partnering churches. We have also spent time this week meeting with staff from some partnering churches and leading youth group at one. It has been great to reconnect with so many people. 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Last Week

We are less than 24 hours from being at the airport to fly back to the States, that just seems unreal to us! We have spent this week packing up our house and moving it into storage. We have also had time for some goodbyes with our good friends. Here is this week in pictures:

With some friends in the city for a goodbye dinner

A BBQ with friends 

Wrapping up and moving furniture.

Our nice neighbor let us use his work truck to move, we also received some good help from the neighbor boy! 

The next update will be coming to you from your side of the world! We look forward to seeing you soon! 

Friday, January 2, 2009

A Very Happy New Year

We had an amazing 2008! As we reflect on all that we have done, think about all of the people we have met, and remember all the places we have been and things we have learned, and think about all of the conclusions and plans that have been made, we are amazed at all that has taken place in one year! 

The last few weeks of 2008 were amazing. We were able to spend time with the entire Huette family here in New Zealand. We were able to spend time at our house in Auckland, we went to the "adventure capital of the world"- Queenstown, and we were able to show them where we will be moving to in Christchurch. Our time was packed full of sightseeing, and enjoying being together as a family.  There are many stories to share about their time here, but I will sum it up with a few pictures. 

Catching up with Mom at Muriwai Beach

Ryan made it! He traveled for over 3 days on 5 flights, but he got here on Christmas Eve! 

Here are Ryan and my dad riding the lift up to the Luge (like go-karts w/o engines) 

                   Getting ready for Christmas Eve dinner and games!  

Girls Day! Shopping in Queenstown. 

Boy's Day! Hiking in Queenstown.
On our way to the Milford Sound. 

The last of the family left on New Year's Eve. The airport drop-off always makes the distance seem so real. We were able to enjoy New Year's Eve with some great friends here in Auckland and now we have jumped into packing up our house! 

Wishing you all a wonderful New Year!