Wednesday, May 27, 2009


One thing that is important to us as a church, is that we have positive relationships with other churches in the city. There aren't a lot of churches in the north-east part of Christchurch (which is why we chose this area) and some of them seem to be closing up , but we are hopeful that our church can be on the same team, or work for the same cause as the ones that are here. We also aren't interested in shifting the small percentage of people (less than 10) that do go to church so we really want other church leaders to know what our goal is. 

Today Joe and I set out to find some of the churches that we had looked up in our area. Though not completely surprised by what we found, we thought we would share some of the results with you. 

As you may be able to tell from the pictures, we found everything from closed down old buildings, to a church for sale, and even a church that is now a craft store. One thing that I noticed at some churches is that the handles were missing from doors. This continually reminded me of why we are here. If there are no handles and the doors are not used, that must mean that no one is going into the buildings. 

Please continue to pray with us for the people in the north-east side of Christchurch. 

1 comment:

The Pucketts said...

That's about the saddest thing ever. Thank God you two are there! (I'm much punnier than Breyn!)