Friday, December 14, 2007

Summer is Here!

As all of the schools are officially out for the summer the youth group had a pizza and pool party to celebrate! The kids mentioned to the youth minister that they were in the mood for some 'American Pizza' so I was called to make some 'good American tasting pizza'. I didn't think this would be a good time to tell the youth minister that ,thanks to the just add water pizza crust in the states, I have never made pizza from scratch! I also am learning that just-add-water-foods are not something that have made it to New Zealand...yet! The kids each brought their favorite toppings, which ranged from pinnapple to M&M's to smoked chicken and beef jerkey! The pizza turned out fine and the weather, after almost a week straight of rain, was beautiful.


Brad & Stacey said...

So weird that your summer has begun and it is snowing here today!

Way to go on the homemade crust! I have learned to make a lot of things from scratch now that we don't live in the States...I do miss those little conveniences!


you really need to turn those kids on to mary's pizza recipe sometime. let me know if you don't have the recipe anymore. its so cool to keep up with you and joe. we are at chris and dana wedding and spent the evening with andy and abby last night. keep doing great and enjoy the SUMMER!!! lucky as we have had 2 ice storms and now a snowy saturday.