Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Quick Catch Up

I know it's been longer than usual since our last blog post...sorry! We are in the middle of a few projects and were hoping to be able to post them, but you will have to wait in suspense!

Life has been very busy but very normal lately which usually doesn't make for any interesting news on the blog, but here is a glance at what we have been working on. 

I had my last day of Mainly Music this week. Next week is the end of the third term with a two week break in school so most activities are wrapping up for the term. As part of our exit strategy, I will not be returning to Mainly Music for the last term. Mainly Music has been a great opportunity for me to learn about outreach and ministry for mums and children. 

I have also continued to relieve, or substitute, at schools about once a week. This has been such a learning experience! I have loved getting to know the students and teachers. It is fun seeing kids around the neighborhood and being recognized as 'Mrs. Flammer.' 

In addition to his regular youth events and planning, Joe has been preparing for a sermon he is giving next Friday night at a youth event for another church in town. Joe has also been working on making contacts in the States as we begin to work on raising ministry funds. This is always an interesting task since the middle of the day for our contacts, is the middle of the night for us! 

Joe is also helping out at church for our family service this week. He is leading the youth in a drama that they will be doing. This is a first for Joe but is seems like he is doing a great job! 

As a team, we are in an entire new stage. Our meetings have shifted from research about cities and discussion on survey work to planning the church. This is such an exciting time for us! We have been reading as many books as we can get our hands on, talking to experienced people, and trying to piece together our dreams, thoughts and visions into something coherent to work with. It is so great to be able to plan knowing that we are going to Christchurch.

Hamish will be making a quick, two week trip to the States in October. He will be visiting quite a few churches in that time and sharing with them our vision for Christchurch with hopes for them to partner with us. We have been busy as a team preparing for his trip and presentations. 

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we work on plans for the new church and finish up our responsibilities here. We are at Shore in an official capacity until the first of December but are beginning our exit strategies now to lessen the gap. Thanks for keeping up with us! 

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