Friday, November 2, 2007


In the summer of 1993 I decided that the “God thing” really made sense to me, and I wanted to live a life devoted to Him. The following school year, 6th grade, as the New York Rangers were playing their Stanley Cup season, I was making singing Pharaoh, Pharaoh and reading a Gideon Bible the cool things at school.

In 8th grade I prepared to go on my first international mission trip. Before the New York School Year ended, I boarded a plane (for the first time) and flew from Long Island’s McArthur Airport to Indiana in order to prepare for my first mission trip. That summer I spent 2 weeks in Jamaica, but I had my first significant cross-cultural experience in the Mid West. During the next 4 summers I would go on more mission projects with New Adventures In Missions to Poland & Belarus, Northern Ireland, The Philippines, and Honduras.

The year 2000 brought with it my departure for Lincoln Christian College, and in 2002 I switched my major to Intercultural Studies: I had decided to become a missionary. For my official school internship, me and my bride of 7 days flew to Mozambique, Africa, for 2 ½ months.

For the past two and a half years, Amy and I have been preparing to go to New Zealand and plant new churches, but as I look back on my life, it seems apparent to me that God has been calling me to be a missionary for much longer than that. Now, after 14 years of intentional preparation, I am getting ready to board a plane for the South Pacific. My bags are packed, my visa is stamped, and my ticket is in hand.

To those of you who have been with me (and Amy) along this journey… thank you. And to the God who not only calls us, but fulfills our dreams… thank You, thank You, thank You. Thank you for calling me and preparing me for the last 14 years of Flammer Time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go Get 'Em Guys! You will always be in our thoughts.