Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Quick Update!

We have been so busy this last week! We have so much that we have wanted to write on the blog, but in moving to our new apartment, we have not had internet access (or much time!) until today. I will try to give you a brief run-down of what our lives have looked like lately!

On Sunday we went with Shore Community Chrisitan Church (SCCC) into Auckland for the Santa Parade. In addition to Shore, there were some other churches that joined us for the parade. There was probably a group of about fifty of us from the churches and we sang Christmas carols in the parade. Sunday, being that it was one month from Christmas, was the kick-off for the Christmas season here.

On Monday, we moved into our new apartment! We spent most of the day getting our things situated, switching the accounts from this house to our name, and running to the Warehouse-which is the New Zealand version of Wal-Mart.

We spent all day Tuesday at a leadership conference with some of the other leaders from SCCC. It was a great chance to connect with people in ministries from all over the North Isalnd of New Zealand. We came home and finished trying to put the house together!

Wednesday was an exciting day for our team...Nate and Whitney arrived to New Zealand from the States! Our whole team is here! The Taylors and us left for the airport before 7:00am to be there to greet them. After greeting them, most of our team had to get back to offices of the church. Joe and I have both been learning from the Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry leaders here. With the kids about to get out of school for the summer, there are many activities being put together. We have been going to different programs and helping to do some of the behind-the-scenes work. We spent alot of Wednesday getting ready for the youth Ball on Friday night.

This morning, Thursday, we were awoken at 6:15 by a pounding on our door. Needless to say we were a little frantic! Joe jumped up to answer it and it was a delivery man! He was dropping off the connections we needed for our phone/internet! In addition to it being 6:15am the delivery was about two weeks earlier than we had expected it! We are headed into the church offices today and tonight we are babysitting.

Pictures and moe frequent updates to come!


Keith Miller said...

Wow you got something two weeks early and delivered in the morning. Things don't move at that pace in Uganda. If it did our lives would be way different. Glad to see you guys are having fun.

Brad & Stacey said...

Could you e-mail us your new address when you find time.

Much love-